
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
Proverbs 8:23

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


If there is a RaceTrac gas station anywhere near you, go there now and get the $6.99 free refill cup (actually here it comes to $7.56 with tax)! Yes, you read that right, FREE REFILL! The thing could pay for it's self in one day!

I swear, walking into the store today was like walking into some movie. Everyone had one of those (red, green, blue or purple) cups and was standing around talking. It was weird. Really weird.

Anyhow, two days ago I watched a full episode of The Vampire Diaries for the first time. I tell you, Ian Somerhalder is one unbelievably sexy fellow, with his bright blue eyes and super dark hair...yum! I still love Roger though. By the way, he was on this weeks episode of CSI: Miami. He played the villain. Go figure.

Huh, I haven't seen that show in ages. How fortunate that I decided to watch it last night!

Class is still going well. I got an 89 on my test yesterday! Woot, go me! I figure that since I got an 88 on the last one and an 89 on this one, that I should get a 90 on the next one this Thursday. It's only logical. It's a pretty easy class, which is good. I like easy, it's like eating pie. Which I love. Hence the saying, "easy as pie".

On Sunday, as I was getting ready for work I was listening to Christmas music (thank you Hobby Lobby for getting me in the cheery mood WAY too early). My brother was in his room with the door closed, playing his guitar. All of the sudden it got real quiet for, like, thirty seconds and then I heard, "what the heck?" It got quiet again like he was making sure he was hearing what it was he thought he was hearing and then he opened his door and asked if I was joking. 

The HL says that their Fall and Christmas stuff is available July through November/December. If that's true, why is there a whole aisle chock-full of fall garland!?! It's got me all wishing is was October, and not only because my birthday falls in it.

I love everything about fall: the colors, the crisp chill (though in Texas it's usually still boiling), my birthday, Charlie Brown specials, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Cowboys stomping the competition, decorating for Christmas as soon as all of the Thanksgiving leftovers are put away, etc. It's just wonderful. I get really excited when the winter commercials start airing because I know that soon it will be "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"! My favorite one is the Campbell's Soup commercial where the snowman goes into a house to eat soup and when he melts there is a little boy inside and "Let it Snow" is playing in the background. It's an oldie but a goodie! It's usually the first one I see every year so for me, it marks the beginning of the season. That one and the Hershey's Kiss hand bells commercial! I also love so many others but those two really get me excited!

I have to go to bed now!

150 days until my birthday,
184 days until Thanksgiving and
214 days until Christmas!

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