
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
Proverbs 8:23

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Got a Pea...

So, just two more weeks of school until finals (I'm so giddy it hurts)! Then I have 5 more semesters consecutively until next spring when I graduate. I hate me right now...and that's not mentioning all the years it takes to get Master's and Doctoral degrees. Scheiße.

Anywho, like I said on Friday, I had a "Buffy-thon" all weekend and it was awesome! I know, I know Buffy is kind of dorky to watch, unless you get it anyway, but I had fun. Especially 'cause I was all sick and such. I also realized, while watching the show, that when I talk, I talk like her and her Scoobies. The way they say words and the emphases are very much similar to those said and done myself. I just don't write like that because many, many years ago, like a whole two, I was an English major and they get all frowny about those sorts of things with the proper and such. I think I picked up my speech pattern watching the show. I mean, where else am I gonna' learn that sort of odd cadence? Granted it wasn't until I was in my teens, but if you are around someone long enough you pick up on their habits so, I guess I watched "Buffy" so much I picked up on their speech habits. Hmmm.

I have to read a book called "The Night Battles" about "Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries". I'm very excited by this considering I'm taking a cults class in the Fall. By the way, being an Anthropology major means you get to take awesome classes like that. And ones all about monkeys and apes (both lesser and greater) among other types of primates. And then you get to go to cool places like Chimp Haven to observe the chimps that are retired from medical testing and acting. I also got to learn how to be a hit at the zoo and get all the primates to come talk to me! Yeah, I'm that cool.

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