
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
Proverbs 8:23

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Got a Pea...

So, just two more weeks of school until finals (I'm so giddy it hurts)! Then I have 5 more semesters consecutively until next spring when I graduate. I hate me right now...and that's not mentioning all the years it takes to get Master's and Doctoral degrees. Scheiße.

Anywho, like I said on Friday, I had a "Buffy-thon" all weekend and it was awesome! I know, I know Buffy is kind of dorky to watch, unless you get it anyway, but I had fun. Especially 'cause I was all sick and such. I also realized, while watching the show, that when I talk, I talk like her and her Scoobies. The way they say words and the emphases are very much similar to those said and done myself. I just don't write like that because many, many years ago, like a whole two, I was an English major and they get all frowny about those sorts of things with the proper and such. I think I picked up my speech pattern watching the show. I mean, where else am I gonna' learn that sort of odd cadence? Granted it wasn't until I was in my teens, but if you are around someone long enough you pick up on their habits so, I guess I watched "Buffy" so much I picked up on their speech habits. Hmmm.

I have to read a book called "The Night Battles" about "Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries". I'm very excited by this considering I'm taking a cults class in the Fall. By the way, being an Anthropology major means you get to take awesome classes like that. And ones all about monkeys and apes (both lesser and greater) among other types of primates. And then you get to go to cool places like Chimp Haven to observe the chimps that are retired from medical testing and acting. I also got to learn how to be a hit at the zoo and get all the primates to come talk to me! Yeah, I'm that cool.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

You’re the Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly...

I have to write an ethnography for my "Qualitative Research Methods" class. The subject that I have chosen to study is the "Star Trek Fan Culture" - people who are known to most as 'Trekkies'. I also hope to be able to gather information from William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Wil Wheaton, Zachary Quinto and Simon Pegg. Including them, of course, hinges on whether or not they are willing to "play along". I am fully prepared to beg for their involvement if necessary. My professor is terribly jealous of the possible involvement of Misters Shatner and Nimoy thus making my hope of their involvement all the more potent.

I have a feeling that this project will be of the up most interest to many. Why? Because there is not a person who walks this earth who is not intrigued by 'Trekkies'. They are, I feel, misconstrued as people who have no life or are purely dorks, nerds and losers in the same way that LARPers are. It's not fair. It's not right.
Anyhow, tomorrow I have to create my set of questions for the project. Actually two sets, one for the actors and one for the fans, again, assuming the actors are willing to participate.

**UPDATE** I eventually changed the topic to "Vampire Fan Culture: Who Has the Biggest Fangs?".

Anyhow, only:
191 days until my Birthday,
224 days until Thanksgiving and
254 days until Christmas.

Crash and burn...(please!)

Holy moley!
I just found the world's ugliest shoes ever. Do yo want to see 'em? Okay, but I'm warning you...they'll burn your eyes!

See, I told you so.

These hideous excuses for designer footwear are made by Louis Vuitton and can be yours for only $1,390. I'm sorry, but who would dare to buy those things? They look like sandals only a very masculine woman would wear (you know which ones I'm talking about) with a golf tees attached. Ugh! What could those possibly be worn with anyway? I literally cannot think of anything. What's with the ginormous tassel attacked to the back? It doesn't even match! The pinks don't even match! Who ever designed this should be fired. Who ever APPROVED the design should be fired!
Can you imagine anyone actually wearing these? I most certainly cannot. Not ever. Not anywhere, not on anyone.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You're Pretty When I'm Drunk...

I've been watching Eddie Izzard specials on Netflix and just about rolled on the floor each time. I don't think my room mate has ever seen a man in women's clothes before as every time she walked behind me the look on her face in the reflection on my computer was priceless.

Here is some Eddie:

And yes, the man is wearing a disastrous Chinese influenced tunic/dress.

193 days until my birthday,
226 days until Thanksgiving and
256 days until Christmas.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts....

Today has been relatively calm, except for the fact that I left my keys in my room. It's alright though as the front desk keeps a spare and I was able to get back in.

Yesterday my favorite professor told me that Stephen F Austin State University's rival school Sam Houston State University just opened a body farm and she's trying to get me a trip to see it! For those of you who don't know, a body farm is a place where scientists study the process of human decomposition.

The visit to the "farm" should be interesting. I understand that I will probably become queasy the first time I'm there but if I want to work for the FBI, it's something I will have to get used. to

Anyhow, I think I need to get a new cover for my phone because I've almost relentlessly dropped it and now it's practically falling apart. It's a shame, I love it. It's a zebra print, but easy to replace.

198 days until my Birthday,
231 days until Thanksgiving and
261 days until until Christmas.


This, is why I love animals.