
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
Proverbs 8:23

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Like to Move It, Move It!

So, my "roomie" went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras last friday and didn't come back until 1:00. Tuesday morning! I was happily asleep and then POW! WHAMMY! In she came. She brought back *tons* of beads and a "Hand Grenade" cup. Apparently the drink is "New Orleans Most Powerful Drink". That probably has something to do with the beads. We all know how one goes about getting those. Oh, have I told you that she's only 18 years old? If not, she's only 18 years old.

Moving on, I have discovered quite possibly the cutest animal ever. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the pygmy mouse lemur:

In true Craig Ferguson fashion...I KNOW!

The pygmy mouse lemur is one of the world's smallest primates (the other being a Tarsier). Found only in Madagascar, the tiny animal lives in groups of about 15. It is nocturnal and eats anything it can get it's little hands on. Yes, lemurs do, in fact, have hands.

The character of "Mort" in the movie "Madagascar" is a mouse lemur making it the second most popular and well known species of lemur.

21 days until spring break,
246 days until my birthday,
279 days until Thanks Giving and
309 days until Christmas.

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