
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
Proverbs 8:23

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tonight I had the opportunity to see something that I will never forget. It was a mini documentary called "Go" produced by the organization Invisible Children. In Northern Uganda there is a war going on. It has been for a long time. The country is ravaged and rebels are abducting children from their families and forcing them to serve in their military. The documentary is about how you can help with the "Schools for Schools" program that raises money to rebuild the destroyed schools in the small African Nation.

This is the trailer for the film:

15 days until Spring Break
240 days until my birthday
273 days until Thanksgiving
303 days until Christmas

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Like to Move It, Move It!

So, my "roomie" went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras last friday and didn't come back until 1:00. Tuesday morning! I was happily asleep and then POW! WHAMMY! In she came. She brought back *tons* of beads and a "Hand Grenade" cup. Apparently the drink is "New Orleans Most Powerful Drink". That probably has something to do with the beads. We all know how one goes about getting those. Oh, have I told you that she's only 18 years old? If not, she's only 18 years old.

Moving on, I have discovered quite possibly the cutest animal ever. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the pygmy mouse lemur:

In true Craig Ferguson fashion...I KNOW!

The pygmy mouse lemur is one of the world's smallest primates (the other being a Tarsier). Found only in Madagascar, the tiny animal lives in groups of about 15. It is nocturnal and eats anything it can get it's little hands on. Yes, lemurs do, in fact, have hands.

The character of "Mort" in the movie "Madagascar" is a mouse lemur making it the second most popular and well known species of lemur.

21 days until spring break,
246 days until my birthday,
279 days until Thanks Giving and
309 days until Christmas.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Run and Tell That

So, I'm excited. My building finally got wireless internet! And my mom and dad are visiting me this weekend! I love when my parents come. I think I may be the only person in the world to be so excited about familial visits.

Also, I think I told you about my dog's new diapers. He has a little problem with going in the house. Anyhow, he has always been something of an escape artist ans has managed to wiggle his way out of every diaper that gets put on him. It's pathetic really.

Anyhow, I wrote a pretty decent paper today and I didn't even have to delete it and start over like I usually do. I am proud of me.

I'm watching America's Funniest Home Videos right now and laughing my butt off. This show is so funny. It's not okay to laugh at people who hurt themselves unless it's their own fault. That's the truth. Oh, man. Good stuff. Funny, stuff. I'm hungry. And coughing and I can't stop.

I'm gonna finish now. Thank you. Bye-bye.

31 days until spring break
256 days until my birthday
289 days until Thanksgiving
319 days until Christmas

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dare to Join Us?

This is the most amazing promotional piece I have ever seen for a commercial in my life. It's so dark and sexy. I can't believe such a thing was managed. It aired during the Super Bowl tonight so that means millions upon millions of people saw it.

This commercial has definitely shaken viewers.

Game over

The New Orleans Saints won. It's their first Superbowl win. Congratulations to the team, their fans and their city. My mother is gloating. Oh, well. The football gods had to give her something since her Cowboys weren't there.

Why did the announcers keep saying New Or-lee-ans? Obnoxious!

Game starting now! (duh nuh, duh nuh) Have fun in the basement! I'm sitting on lucky couch!

Whoooo! Super Bowl Sunday baby! Peyton Manning and his Indianapolis Colts are going up against Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints in an epic battle of awesomeness. Of course the Colts will take the win. I'm alone in my fandom though because my mom (who is a DIE HARD Cowboys fan) is cheering for the Saints and apparently so are my dad and brother. Those people are crazy. My mother just called me a Yankee traitor.

Anyhow, kickoff is at 5:25 and I will be ready, baby!

33 days until spring break
258 days until my birthday.
291 days until Thanksgiving.
321 days until Christmas.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Don't Believe My Heart Can Stand Another You

In light of Jeremy Renner's Oscar nomination for Best Actor for "The Hurt Locker" (which I have yet to see) I watched S.W.A.T. again for the first time in, like, five years. Bad boys are hot.

Anyhow, my room mate went home for the weekend. Unfortunately she'll be back in time for the Super Bowl. Ugh...ruiner. Anyhow, I hope the Colts family is cheering for the Saints.

Next week my parents are coming to visit me! I am so excited to see them. We may do some shopping over in Natchitoches, Louisiana as it's only about 2 hours away from Nacogdoches. There is NOTHING to do here. Ever. Period.

34 days until spring break.
259 days until my birthday.
292 days until Thanksgiving.
322 days until Christmas.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Get Off the Table, Mabel (The Two Dollars is for the Beer)

Hmmm...I don't know what to say. I know that no one reads this, but it's nice to have a place to speak my mind. So far so good in my repeat of Intermediate Spanish. I passed my first test (a feat never achieved last semester)!

I have to finish reading an ethnography right now.