
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
Proverbs 8:23

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bohemian Rhapsody...

So, here's the kicker. In higher education there is a set list of classes that one must take. Those are called "core classes". They're easy as pie and you can usually get them on the cheap at a community college. Beyond those classes, there are "college required" classes. Those are the classes that a particular college at a university requires it's students to take. Now, I don't mean college as in the synonym university, I mean college as in Blah Blah University College of Fnafnanfa. For example, I am a student in the Stephen F Austin State University College of Liberal and Applied Arts for both my major (sociology with an emphasis on anthropology - yeah, try explaining how that works) and my minor (psychology).

I have taken all but four, yes four of the classes that I need to. And here is where my problem lies. I have to take a sociology class simply called "theory". What's the problem? That class in only offered in the Fall. Guess what, it's Fall and I'm not taking that class and I'm supposed to graduate in May. DUN, DUN, DuuuuuN (scary music). Poop. What, um, am I supposed to do? According to my advisor, I can substitute a different upper level class! Provided that it is approved by the chair of the department of social and cultural analysis, the dean of the college and the dean of the university. Thankfully, my advisor says it shouldn't be a problem. I should be able to find a class that will be approved because there are plenty of 400 level classes. If I have to, I can do Independent Study.

31 Days Until my Birthday,
64 Days Until Thanksgiving and
94 Days Until Christmas (Woot! Double Digits)!

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