
I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.
Proverbs 8:23

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Goodbye, Hello...

It's truly been ages since I've posted on this thing! Field school is over and thank God for that! Yesterday, when we had to fill up our holes, we were caught in a hardcore down pour! It was ridiculous and I never want to do that again!

You should have seen us. We looked like drowned rats! We were literally dripping mud and muddy water all over the place. Not only that but several people called us rednecks. If only they knew me!

It took us five-ish hours to put all of it back. The rain made the buckets of dirt super heavy and the mud opn the ground made it super slippery! Super slippery!!

Yeah, this picture was taken BEFORE the rain really started! It got so much worse!

However, it was fun to be out in the rain...just not back-filling holes!